

發(fā)布于:2022-05-08 00:10:40  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  既然進(jìn)行陳釀,必然少不了不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶,大家會(huì )不會(huì )對它的使用有一種好奇?現在就讓我們一起來(lái)了解一下到底入桶前會(huì )做哪些工序吧。
  Since aging, inevitably, stainless steel liner solid wood barrels, will we have a curiosity about its use? Now let's take a look at what happens before it goes into the bucket.
  不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶在陳釀葡萄酒的過(guò)程中,桶內的單寧、香蘭素、橡木內酯、丁子香酚等化合物質(zhì)會(huì )溶解于葡萄酒中,這些物質(zhì)可以使葡萄酒的顏色更為穩定、口感更為柔和、香味更為協(xié)調。
  In the process of aging wine, tannin, vanillin, oak lactone, butanol and other compounds in the barrel will be dissolved in the wine, these substances can make the wine color more stable, taste more soft, fragrance more harmonious.
  The new stainless steel liner solid wood wine barrel, for the new purchased stainless steel liner solid wood wine barrel we need to check the barrel, the specific step is to fill the barrel with water, stand for a period of time, observe whether the sealing tightness of the barrel is qualified, if qualified, we will steam the barrel, that is to sterilize the barrel with steam.
  這是很關(guān)鍵的一步,會(huì )一定程度上防止酒被感染。之后便是入桶,將需要陳釀的酒泵入到桶中。用橡膠塞封口,便完成入桶工序。
  This is a crucial step and will help prevent the wine from getting infected. After that, the wine to be aged is pumped into barrels. Seal with rubber plug, then complete the barrel process.
  Just finished the barrel of stainless steel solid wood wine barrel, this need to be washed with water, and then the first steaming barrel, this time to pay attention to the steaming barrel is not only sterilization, but also the purpose of removing tartar, the rest of the same as the last process.
  此外,葡萄酒貯藏于實(shí)木酒桶內,主要依靠橡木的表面與葡萄酒交流,隨著(zhù)桶齡的增加,橡木所含成分就會(huì )產(chǎn)生變化。新桶香氣較多,而舊桶香氣會(huì )逐漸減少,隨著(zhù)使用次數的增加,舊實(shí)木酒桶易受到不利微生物的污染。
  In addition, wine storage in solid wood wine barrels, mainly rely on the surface of the oak and wine communication, as the barrel age increases, oak components will produce changes. The aroma of the new cask is more, while the aroma of the old cask will gradually decrease. With the increase of use times, the old solid wood cask is susceptible to the pollution of adverse microorganisms.
  同時(shí),由于含有益成分的減少,貯存時(shí)間上也需要加長(cháng),其中產(chǎn)生的乙基酚會(huì )對葡萄酒香氣產(chǎn)生負面影響。而因為葡萄酒與橡木的交流只能停留在表面,不能與深層木材交流,所以實(shí)木酒桶的使用必然有一定的年齡限制,到一定時(shí)期就需更換。
  At the same time, the storage time is longer because of the reduction of beneficial ingredients, which produce ethyl phenol which can negatively affect the aroma of the wine. Because wine can only communicate with oak on the surface, not with deep wood, solid wood casks must be used at a certain age and must be replaced at a certain time.
  Stainless steel liner solid wood wine barrel before the wine to do a good process of the relevant content here, if you have any ideas can come to the website m.sdlngcjx.com to share with us.
