

發(fā)布于:2022-05-17 11:20:55  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

實(shí)木桶常用于釀酒和貯酒。與現代釀酒工藝相比,使用實(shí)木酒桶進(jìn)行釀酒會(huì )使釀制的酒更加純凈;我們經(jīng)常可以在各種古代電視劇中看到實(shí)木酒桶的存在,有一種古樸的感覺(jué),但現在卻在使用。用實(shí)木酒桶釀酒也是一個(gè)好辦法,那么你知道用實(shí)木酒桶有什么好處嗎?
Solid wood barrels are often used for wine making and wine storage. Compared with modern brewing technology, using solid wood barrels for brewing will make the wine more pure; We can often see the existence of solid wood wine barrel in various ancient TV dramas. It has a simple feeling, but it is now in use. It is also a good way to make wine in solid wood barrels. Do you know the benefits of using solid wood barrels?
Solid wood wine barrel has many advantages in wine storage and wine storage that modern science cannot give, because the tannin brought by Oak itself is an additive in the brewing process, which can enhance the natural and rich taste of wine and make the color of wine better. Close to amber.
同時(shí),實(shí)木酒桶更能經(jīng)受歲月的沖擊。一些好的酒桶可以在酒窖中放置數年甚數十年而不發(fā)生質(zhì)變,因為酒桶內部保持著(zhù)相對真空的環(huán)境,空氣可以通過(guò)實(shí)木酒桶。毛孔逐漸滲入,加速了酒的成熟,多年后往往會(huì )發(fā)生質(zhì)的變化。
At the same time, solid wood wine barrels can withstand the impact of years. Some good wine barrels can be placed in the cellar for several years or even decades without qualitative change, because the interior of the wine barrel maintains a relatively vacuum environment, and the air can pass through the solid wood wine barrel. The gradual infiltration of pores accelerates the maturation of wine, and qualitative changes often occur after many years.
實(shí)木酒桶可以為葡萄酒增添香氣和風(fēng)味,使紅葡萄酒更加濃郁和復雜。而新的實(shí)木酒桶會(huì )直接賦予葡萄酒橡木的風(fēng)味,風(fēng)味的強弱取決于橡木材質(zhì)和陳釀時(shí)間等因素。它幫助桶中的葡萄酒緩慢“呼吸”,以軟化單寧和細膩的結構。
It can add more complex flavor and aroma to the wine. The new solid wood barrel will directly give the wine oak flavor. The strength of the flavor depends on factors such as oak material and aging time. It helps the wine in the barrel "breathe" slowly to soften the tannins and delicate structure.
Aging wine in solid wood barrels should make the wine obtain balanced and complete sensory quality. Oak aroma is a common aroma in wine stored in wooden barrels. After barrel storage, the wine gradually oxidizes and matures. The price of solid wood barrel is directly related to the quality of its own solid wood barrel. Select oak raw materials, oak structural characteristics, hard, easy to bend and waterproof characteristics, and carry out precision processing. Each solid wood barrel is subject to strict requirements.
The wine can be stored in solid wood barrels, fully combined with the wine, and the wine has oak aroma At the same time, tannin, oak lactone and other substances in oak enter the wine and participate in the balance of aroma and taste of the wine.
在一定程度上能夠調節木桶的陳釀特點(diǎn)和橡木對葡萄酒的作用效果。橡木與葡萄酒結合會(huì )改善葡萄酒的質(zhì)量。將葡萄酒與橡木進(jìn)行搭配時(shí),應該考慮的質(zhì)量是木頭應具有圓潤感,輕的和溫暖的顏色,帶有濃郁優(yōu)雅的風(fēng)味。
To a certain extent, it can adjust the aging characteristics of barrel and the effect of oak on wine. The combination of oak and wine will improve the quality of wine. When matching wine with oak, the quality that should be considered is that the wood should have a round feeling, light and warm color, with a strong and elegant flavor.
It is recommended to use solid wood wine barrels as much as possible during brewing and storage, and this kind of wine barrel is relatively easy to accept in price, which is widely used in various wineries. Or often seen in families that collect red wine. There are also many models of solid wood wine barrels, which can be selected according to various needs. For more information, please visit m.sdlngcjx.com Com consulting.
