

發(fā)布于:2022-05-24 18:57:12  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

售酒機以銷(xiāo)售中低端系列酒為主,滿(mǎn)足大眾消費者的需求,該售酒機主要通過(guò)市場(chǎng)亮相,初始市場(chǎng)進(jìn)行試點(diǎn),后期預計在成都布局餐飲店,用以支持一般家庭、朋友聚會(huì )消費。
The wine vending machine mainly sells medium and low-end series of wine to meet the needs of mass consumers. The wine vending machine is mainly launched through the market. The pilot is carried out in the initial market. Later, it is expected to set up catering stores in Chengdu to support the gathering and consumption of ordinary families and friends.
由于售酒機里的酒都是企業(yè)直供,減少了中間環(huán)節以及包裝,相應的在零售終端的也會(huì )更優(yōu)惠。這是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)發(fā)展以及消費升級的趨勢,消費者更偏好簡(jiǎn)單、便捷、任性的消費方式,對于普通白酒消費者而言,售酒機提供了更多的選擇。
Since the wine in the wine vending machine is directly supplied by the enterprise, the intermediate links and packaging are reduced, and the corresponding price at the retail terminal will be more favorable. This is the trend of Internet development and consumption upgrading. Consumers prefer simple, convenient and willful consumption. For ordinary Baijiu consumers, liquor vending machines provide more choices.
Wine vending machine is different from many traditional wine sales methods. After this wine sales method is combined with the Internet, it has become a different new retail method. Today, let's take a look at its usage and other sales methods to compare its advantages.
This sales method belongs to the new F2C retail method, supports the mainstream ERP system, and scanning code is convenient and fast; When placing an order, you can scan the code online. When using the pick-up code for self-service operation, combined with artificial intelligence interaction, you can better realize 24-hour self-service code scanning and wine purchase.
If the technology is adjusted, it can support the online communication of winery customer service. Through this online communication and consultation, you can get more professional information. At the same time, the automatic wine vending machine also ensures the after-sales and other aspects, and the quality of wine makes consumers feel at ease.
同時(shí)在使用時(shí)擁有強大的運營(yíng)團隊。將與的人工智能技術(shù)團隊開(kāi)展深度合作,同時(shí)可協(xié)助代理商完成各消費場(chǎng)所酒店、餐廳等的準入工作;此外,與酒莊對接方式上的資源也非常廣泛,可以根據不同消費群體的不同口味和要求,對接不同的酒莊;公司還將提供特殊的地域保護政策,同一地區不會(huì )出現兩個(gè)相同的代理商。
At the same time, it has a strong operation team when using it. We will carry out in-depth cooperation with professional AI technology team, and assist agents to complete the access work of hotels and restaurants in various consumer places; In addition, the resources for connecting with wineries are also very extensive, and different wineries can be connected according to the different tastes and requirements of different consumer groups across the country; The company will also provide special regional protection policies, and there will be no two same agents in the same region.
與其他銷(xiāo)售方式相比,使用自動(dòng)售酒機設備在賣(mài)酒的時(shí)候減少了很多門(mén)店的人工成本,而且由于目前使用的比較少,所以在運營(yíng)等方面會(huì )比較多。
Compared with other sales methods, the use of automatic wine vending machine equipment reduces the labor cost of many stores when selling wine, and there will be more in operation due to less use at present.
In order to ensure that the wine sold at the terminal is the source wine and avoid potential quality and safety hazards in the intermediate links, we have achieved satisfactory technical fidelity. The production area is not only a strong endorsement of product quality, but also a strong support for the brand in the process of production, construction and promotion.
Automatic wine vending machine conforms to the development trend of intelligent life and is more in line with people's living habits. So if you have any idea about this, you can follow our website m.sdlngcjx.com COM and contact us to share and exchange!
