

發(fā)布于:2022-08-11 14:27:20  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶就是葡萄酒釀造中一個(gè)無(wú)法忽略的細節,沒(méi)有了實(shí)木酒桶的呵護,葡萄酒不會(huì )如此有生命力。下面我們就針對這一方面來(lái)講講相關(guān)內容吧。
The stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrel is a detail that cannot be ignored in wine brewing. Without the care of the solid wood wine barrel, the wine will not have such vitality. Let's talk about relevant contents in this regard.
看到這里,很多人就會(huì )有疑問(wèn),到底什么時(shí)候決定用實(shí)木酒桶的了,為什么不用陶瓷,那樣是不是更香了,實(shí)木酒桶對葡萄酒有何作用呢?
Seeing this, many people will wonder when it was decided to use solid wood wine barrels, why not use ceramics, would it be more fragrant, and what role does solid wood wine barrels have on wine?
The great influence of solid wood barrel on wine is to make the wine stable through moderate oxidation structure and integrate the aroma in the barrel into the wine. The special structure of oak has the function of air permeability, allowing a small amount of air to pass through the barrel wall and permeate into the same species to make the wine produce moderate oxidation.
An appropriate amount of oxygen also accelerates the maturation of the wine, softens the tannins, and makes the fresh fruit aroma in the wine gradually brew into a rich and varied mature wine aroma. The moderate hardness of oak ensures good waterproof and storage safety.
In addition, the solid wood wine barrel contains a certain amount of tannin. When the wine is stored, the tannins in the project also slowly penetrate into the wine, strengthening the skeleton of the wine and making the wine more structured.
除了提供葡萄酒一個(gè)適度的氧化環(huán)境外,實(shí)木酒桶原本內含的香味也會(huì )慢慢融入葡萄酒中,讓葡萄酒香氣更為豐富,增加奶油、香草、烤面包、烤杏仁、煙味和丁香等香味,實(shí)木酒桶更具沉淀雜質(zhì)的功效,讓葡萄酒擁有這么好的品質(zhì)。
In addition to providing a moderate oxidation environment for the wine, the original aroma contained in the solid wood barrel will also slowly integrate into the wine, so that the wine aroma is more abundant, adding butter, vanilla, toasted bread, toasted almond, smoke and clove. The solid wood barrel has the effect of precipitating impurities, which makes the wine have such good quality.
當然并不是所有的葡萄酒都適合用實(shí)木酒桶來(lái)陳釀。對于一些基礎薄弱的葡萄酒來(lái)說(shuō),如果非要放在實(shí)木酒桶里典藏,不但不會(huì )提升其品質(zhì),反而會(huì )突出其缺陷,導致酒質(zhì)更加粗糙。口感更加苦澀、色調更加灰暗,僅有的一點(diǎn)果香也會(huì )被橡木味壓制,只剩下刺鼻的橡木味。
Of course, not all wines are suitable for aging in solid wood barrels. For some wines with weak foundation, if they must be stored in solid wood casks, their quality will not be improved, but their defects will be highlighted, resulting in a more rough wine quality. The taste is more bitter, the tone is more dark, and the only fruit flavor will be suppressed by the oak flavor, leaving only the pungent oak flavor.
The reason why it is recommended to use solid wood wine barrels instead of ceramics when brewing red wine is the above explanation. If you have any questions about this, please come here http://m.sdlngcjx.com Consult and understand.
