

發(fā)布于:2022-08-16 14:27:23  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

傳統的我們再去買(mǎi)白酒的時(shí)候,一般都是考慮在線(xiàn)下的或者是一家小賣(mài)店去購買(mǎi),當然現在也可以在網(wǎng)上去購買(mǎi)白酒等等,當然會(huì )考慮到運輸的問(wèn)題,很多人在買(mǎi)白酒的時(shí)候都是整瓶或整箱的去購買(mǎi),現在自助售酒機面世之后,我們可以根據自己的實(shí)際需求,想用多少就買(mǎi)多少,不會(huì )導致浪費等情況的出現,具體的自助售酒機都是怎么操作的呢?下面小編來(lái)簡(jiǎn)單介紹一下。
Traditionally, when we buy Baijiu, we usually consider buying it in an offline supermarket or a small shop. Of course, we can also buy Baijiu online now. Of course, we will consider transportation. Many people buy Baijiu in whole bottles or boxes. Now, after the self-service liquor vending machine is launched, we can buy as much as we want according to our actual needs, It will not lead to waste and other situations. How do the specific self-service wine vending machines operate? The following is a brief introduction.
在考慮購買(mǎi)自助售酒機的時(shí)候比較的就是我們的自助售酒機,本公司售酒機的質(zhì)量是非常可靠的,還可以選擇代理的模式或者是其他的模式等等,自助售酒機本身就是一個(gè)新的風(fēng)口,當然我們在操作的時(shí)候也會(huì )有的指導建議。
When considering the purchase of self-service wine vending machines, we recommend our self-service wine vending machines. The quality of our wine vending machines is very reliable. We can also choose the agent mode or other modes. The self-service wine vending machine itself is a new air outlet. Of course, we will also have professional guidance and suggestions when operating.
我們的自助售酒機相對來(lái)說(shuō)操作還是比較簡(jiǎn)單的,在頁(yè)面上可以明顯的看出來(lái)補酒口或者相關(guān)的出酒指示燈以及相關(guān)的智能模塊或者充電口以及工作的指示燈或者是相關(guān)的感應按鈕等等,直接掃碼把酒杯放在對應的感應按鈕,酒杯碰觸就可以出酒,酒杯拿走之后就會(huì )停止出酒。
The operation of our self-service wine vending machine is relatively simple. On the page, you can clearly see the wine refilling port or the relevant wine discharge indicator light, the relevant intelligent module or charging port, the working indicator light, or the relevant induction button, etc. directly scan the code and put the wine cup on the corresponding induction button. The wine cup can be touched and the wine will be discharged. After the wine cup is removed, the wine will be stopped.
此外有人問(wèn)售酒機賣(mài)的白酒是否會(huì )跟自釀酒一樣,產(chǎn)生變質(zhì)?實(shí)際上發(fā)酵跟變質(zhì)本質(zhì)是一樣的,后果卻差很多。前者有益,后者致命。如果您不是這行業(yè)的,不建議折騰,畢竟人命關(guān)天。那么密封性好不好?具有、快速省時(shí)、酒份損失少、電腦控制、預設定時(shí)、自動(dòng)驅除異味等功能,使酒質(zhì)清凈淳厚,口感舒適。
In addition, some people asked whether the Baijiu sold by the liquor vending machine would deteriorate like the self-made liquor? In fact, the essence of fermentation and deterioration is the same, but the consequences are much different. The former is beneficial while the latter is fatal. If you are not in this industry, it is not recommended to toss around. After all, life is vital. Is the sealing good? It has the functions of high efficiency, energy saving, fast time saving, less alcohol loss, computer control, preset timing, and automatic odor removal, which makes the wine pure and honest, and the taste is comfortable.
現在我們對于自助售酒機都是怎么操作的有了更好的了解,自助售酒機相對來(lái)說(shuō)操作非常的簡(jiǎn)單,而且是充電的,不需要太多的復雜操作。主要的一點(diǎn)就是酒水出完之后會(huì )有自動(dòng)的通知,可有效的預防出現假酒或者是茶水等情況,所以?xún)?yōu)勢還是比較簡(jiǎn)單的,操作也非常的輕松。更多相關(guān)內容就來(lái)我們網(wǎng)站http://m.sdlngcjx.com進(jìn)行咨詢(xún)了解吧。
Now we have a better understanding of how the self-service wine vending machine operates. The operation of the self-service wine vending machine is relatively simple, and it is rechargeable and does not require too many complicated operations. The main point is that there will be an automatic notification after the wine is out, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of fake wine or tea, so the advantage is relatively simple and the operation is very easy. For more information, please visit our website http://m.sdlngcjx.com Consult and understand.
