

發(fā)布于:2019-05-05 14:17:50  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  Nowadays, people's quality of life is getting higher and higher. When choosing wine containers, they have abandoned the traditional heavy and ugly ceramic containers with poor wine storage effect, and replaced them with a wooden wine barrel with novel shape and better wine storage effect. Rentai wine container technicians in order to enable you to further understand and use the equipment, specially summarized for you some of its barrel varieties and quality, below we will have a detailed understanding of it.
  Variety and Quality of Wood Wine Barrels
  First of all, the most common materials in wooden wine barrels are natural wood and artificial wood. The natural timber used for making wine barrels generally refers to square timber and plate timber, which are completely taken from nature and cut by simple segmentation. The wood-based panels for making wooden wine barrels are those made of natural wood and its processed corner wastes, which are mechanized. The common ones are plywood, particleboard, Blockboard and fiberboard.
  Secondly, the types of wood, in nature, there are many kinds of wood can be used to make wine barrels, but because of the different environment, soil and geographical location of various wood growth, its texture, texture, water absorption and so on are very different. Generally, according to the characteristics of processing, they are hardwood. Hardwood is taken from broad-leaved trees. The straight part of the trunk is usually short. The material is hard and heavy, the intensity is large, and the texture is natural and beautiful. It is the main material for the decoration of the barrel frame structure.
  另外,酒桶硬木質(zhì)量的好壞與干燥處理和存放條件密切相關(guān)。如一些南方的樹(shù)種做成酒桶后運到北方,普通油裂縫等毛病,就是在其制作和存放過(guò)程中含水率較高所致。同樣北方的樹(shù)種在潮濕的南方也會(huì )出席變形、扭曲。因此現酒桶的生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中一般對木材的烘干和風(fēng)干技術(shù)和指標的要求是比較高的。在選擇木質(zhì)酒桶中有沒(méi)有開(kāi)裂或變形就是應考慮的問(wèn)題。
  In addition, the quality of barrel hardwood is closely related to drying treatment and storage conditions. For example, when some southern trees are made into barrels and transported to the north, common oil cracks and other defects are caused by the high water content during their production and storage. Similarly, trees in the north can also be distorted and distorted in the humid south. Therefore, the drying and air-drying technology and index requirements of wood are relatively high in the production process of existing barrels. Whether there is cracking or deformation in the selection of wooden barrels is the first problem to be considered.
  Finally, there are two standards for wood moisture content of normal wood barrels. The moisture content of dry wood of general furnace should be 4-12%, and that of air-dried wood should be 15%. Only wood that meets this standard can be used to make good wooden barrels. Otherwise, the deformation of cracking is unavoidable. The use of wooden barrels can indeed make wine more complex. The complexity of flavor is not simply due to the increase of oak flavor. Slow and appropriate oxidation is a more important part of the aging process.
  Problems that should be paid attention to when printing wooden wine barrels,木酒桶印刷和注意問(wèn)題。葡萄酒質(zhì)量包裝印刷油墨附著(zhù)力不良,用手指刮油墨可以放下沖刷和外用酒精后包裝印刷質(zhì)量、油墨電影就倒了,尤其是在水浸泡一段時(shí)間后,再次干燥后,墨水還可以放下。
  First of all, wooden wine barrel printing and attention. Wine quality packaging printing ink adhesion is poor, using finger scraping ink can put down the washing and external alcohol packaging printing quality, ink film will fall, especially after soaking in water for a period of time, drying again, ink can also be put down.
  其次,設備印刷方法措施:加入適量的廉價(jià)天然松香,應該堅持酒包裝生產(chǎn)后測試,附著(zhù)力不太好時(shí),加入石油樹(shù)脂,粘合不太好時(shí),加入國內石油樹(shù)脂,選擇表面不是光滑的木制酒桶包裝基質(zhì),代替葡萄酒包裝和印刷油墨,其包裝和印刷油墨加入防滑劑。其林業(yè)可繼續發(fā)展請求助林業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化林業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化是完成林業(yè)可繼續發(fā)展的重要途徑,林業(yè)可繼續發(fā)展現為基本前提的。林業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化有必要以林業(yè)綜合效益的有用表現和不斷強化為方針,木酒桶以生態(tài)環(huán)境效益確保經(jīng)濟與社會(huì )的繼續穩定發(fā)展,以經(jīng)濟效益和社會(huì )效益確保生態(tài)效益的完成。
  Secondly, equipment printing methods and measures: add appropriate amount of cheap natural rosin, should adhere to the test after wine packaging production, when the adhesion is not good, add petroleum resin, when the adhesion is not good, add domestic petroleum resin, choose the surface is not smooth wooden barrel packaging matrix, instead of wine packaging and printing ink, its packaging and printing ink add antiskid agent. Its forestry can continue to develop and request help forestry industrialization forestry industrialization is an important way to complete forestry can continue to develop, forestry can continue to develop is now the basic premise. It is necessary for forestry industrialization to take the useful performance and continuous strengthening of forestry comprehensive benefits as the guideline. The wooden wine barrel ensures the sustainable and stable development of economy and society with ecological and social benefits to ensure the completion of ecological benefits.
  Finally, the operation of forestry industrialization should be based on forest capital and ecological environment. As long as the sustainable use of forest capital and the continuous improvement of the environment, the continuous development of the operation of forestry industrialization can only be achieved in wooden barrels, and the sustainable development of forestry can also be completed. We should not only take immediate interests into account, kill chickens and lay eggs, but also fish in exhaustive use. Even product forests or fast-growing and High-yielding forests, it is necessary to develop from capital.
